On 8 March 2020, the way of life changed in Italy. In an instant, everyday and ordinary habits and behaviors have become dangerous and to be avoided. To safeguard everyone’s health and to defeat the Coronavirus, we have limited travel, activated smart working systems, and canceled all social appointments. We have proudly embraced the mantra #stayathome and we must continue to respect it, with sacrifice. However, the difficulties borne in these weeks are certainly nothing compared to the battles that are fought everyday in hospitals in Italy and all over the world.
In the fight that involves everyone against Covid-19, Omitech has chosen to take the field to support the health battle that is being fought.
In recent years, our robotics team has developed Vivaldi, an artificial intelligence used to control and adapt robots’ behavior based on functions, interactions and the environment of use.
With incredible speed, our development team realized the application components that allow Vivaldi to work with Sanbot Elf in hospital wards. Six examples have been placed in Varese (Lombardy), at the hospital “Ospedale di Circolo and Fondazione Macchi of ASST Sette Laghi”, with the mission of helping healthcare personnel in the care and assistance of twelve Coronavirus patients.
The robots inside the rooms, thanks to a video camera, allow doctors and nurses to remotely monitor parameters (such as heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure); furthermore, thanks to integrated audio components, the personnel can interact with the patient, who can answer, if he’s without assisted ventilation helmets (CPAPs).
Professor Francesco Dentali, director of high intensity medicine department of the hospital “Ospedale di Circolo” in Varese, explains how these robots don’t erase human contact with patients, but they allow to reduce rooms accesses, “letting us to save the time to get dressed and undressed, which has considerable impact on our activity: the quality of the time we dedicate to patients will also improve.” (source: La Repubblica)
- Corriere della Sera: I sette robot in corsia che curano i pazienti affetti da Covid19;
- La Repubblica: Coronavirus in Lombardia, sei robot in corsia a Varese. Monitorano i pazienti in terapia intensiva e sono empatici;
- Reuters: Tommy the robot nurse helps keep Italy doctors safe from coronavirus;
- Milano Today: In Lombardia debuttano i medici-robot in corsia per i pazienti Covid-19;
- Associazione Sette Laghi: Sei robottini in corsia per aiutare medici e infermieri;
- Il sole 24 ore: Coronavirus, all’ospedale di Varese arriva il robot che monitora i pazienti;
- Il sole 24 ore: Coronavirus, ultime notizie: in Italia 110.574 casi totali (+4,52%), 13.155 morti (+5,85%);
- Arte magazine: Dalla mostra allestita al MUDEC di Milano un robottino in missione contro il Covid-19;
- Varese news: A combattere il virus in ospedale c’è anche “Ivo”, il robot made in Varese;
- Ansa: Coronavirus: robot passa da mostra Mudec a ospedale Varese.