
New technologies are radically changing the socio-cultural fabric and with it the markets and the economy of our millennium. We hear more and more often about Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, process automation. All of these concepts are inevitably linked to new types of relationships and ways of communicating. Today, industries, markets and companies establish new relationships between humans and machines, as well as between people from different industrial ecosystems.

Examples of social robots’ use

In this new context, social robotics makes his space with highly functional applications in different fields: retail, hospitality and healthcare.

Examples of applications in the retail sector: robots recognize customers and interact with them by communicating promotions and information on products or services in an accurate and precise way.

Examples of applications in the hospitality sector: robots have a reception and information function, they can provide directions and entertainment.

Examples of applications in the healthcare sector: robots provide assistance, recreational and information services (for example reminding to take the medicines).

In addition, robots monitor vital signs of patients and allow remote communication between the patients and the personnel.

POC experimentation when robots’ application is specific and complex

Due to the complexity of some applications, it’s sometimes possible to carry out a Proof of Concept (PoC) to verify the functionality or key components before starting a new or complex social robotics project.

The PoC experimentation phase involves the creation of a design draft aimed at testing the idea to demonstrate its feasibility, allowing to investigate emerging technologies and the context of final use. The PoC demonstrates that the design or some of the desired features work before being finally implemented.

Carrying out a PoC is an excellent first step towards a highly effective solution for innovative applications and advanced solutions in which new business models take shape. This is why in these cases the partnership with new players is crucial: Omitech is certainly one of them.

Omitech is the company that supports emerging technologies

Omitech, a company with more than 20 years of experience in the ICT sector, five years ago started a path of experimentation and research in robotics, demonstrating its effectiveness as a tool for several businesses.

Today, Omitech can be considered one of the leading Italian companies in social robotics, supporting nursing homes, hospitals and companies in the development of cutting-edge robotic solutions. The solutions offered by Omitech combine robotic hardware platforms with commercial features of robustness, affordable cost and availability, with sophisticated but easy-to-use artificial intelligence. This mix of winning features allows Omitech’s robotic solutions to adapt to different functional and use contexts.

Focus on: how can social robots interact effectively with end users?

The answer is simple: through an intuitive platform that allows you to program and configure robots, making them “empathetic”. We are talking about Vivaldi, which controls and adapts robots’ behaviour with humans and the environment.

Vivaldi is a software which can be combined with different robot platforms, selected to create an adaptable solution to different uses and contexts (for instance, to provide commercial information, reception, customer data collection and environmental control services).

Furthermore, Vivaldi can simultaneously manage fleets of robots, by giving commands such as calling a service robot and allowing it to move on paths to make deliveries at specific points.

Thanks to Vivaldi, it’s also possible to integrate third-party cloud services such as vocal or object recognition, clients databases or other programs on specific needs.

Robotics solution custom-made for every business model

Are you interested in implementing a robotics POC experimentation or just want to know more? Omitech’s solutions are versatile, contact us for more information on the application of social robots for your business.

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